How to Get the Most Out of Your Business Social Media

How to Get the Most Out of Your Business Social Media

November 5, 2020 | Social Media

Businesses may have gotten away with avoiding social media in the past, preferring other advertising methods, but that’s not realistic anymore. Potential customers are on social media whether you come to the party or not. Talk about FOMO (fear of missing out)… Your company could be missing out in a big way if you do […]

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The Small Business Guide to LinkedIn Advertising

The Small Business Guide to LinkedIn Advertising

September 21, 2020 | Social Media

How To Use LinkedIn For Your Business The world of internet marketing is vast. Like the universe, it seems to only be expanding. You may have just figured out how to advertise on Facebook or Google, and now you have to figure out how to advertise on LinkedIn, too? We understand that keeping up with […]

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Which Social Media Platform Is Best for My Business

Which Social Media Platform Is Best for My Business 2020

September 1, 2020 | Social Media

Questions To Ask When Choosing A Social Media Platform Before deciding which social media channel is best for you, you need to look at your resources and your goals. Here are a few questions you need to answer before investing a bunch of money into a campaign: 1. What is your budget? If you’re a […]

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Why Hire a Marketing Agency

Why Hire a Marketing Agency

June 22, 2020 | Branding, Geofencing, Paid Search, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Website

Market My Business Marketing is the ability to promote your product, brand, or service to your customers. There are many facets of marketing, from social media to paid search, a website, a brochure, video, or billboard. If you’re a small business owner, marketing is imperative and you have to develop the necessary skill sets to […]

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Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

December 26, 2019 | Branding, Paid Search, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Website

2020 Digital Marketing Trends And Beyond It’s hard to believe how quickly 2019 is coming to a close. As is the nature of the beast, digital marketing has changed a lot throughout the past year, and we expect the same for the next. As we look forward to the new year, here are some Digital […]

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Instagram Update- The Mystery of the Hidden Post Likes

Instagram Update: The Mystery of the Hidden Post Likes

November 20, 2019 | Social Media

About The Instagram Update This month, Instagram announced it would start implementing a change for users in the US: Hiding public post likes. This has been a controversial change that was announced back in the spring of 2019 and has been in beta throughout different countries for the past few months. What is this change […]

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